I’m linking up with Tara from

for my first round this summer of
So, here we go!
So, for the past few years I’ve wanted a sensory table in my room,
but it’s really only been a dream and an idea that I’ve had.
I decided that this year would be the year that
I would take the plunge and just do it already!
I went looking in some teacher mags, and let me tell you,
the sensory table and the stuff that goes in it
are super duper high!!!
Too rich for my blood!
So I started to do some research into what I could use instead,
and this past week I began to purchase simple household materials
that I could use in the sensory table.
The easiest thing to do is noodles, which I dyed.
I just used some dye that I already had in my baking cabinet.
I started with some old noodles that were hiding in the back of my pantry.
(I’m sort of embarrassed, I mean, I don’t think they even sell them in this box anymore!)
I divided the noodles into 4 groups, and starting with the neon colors,
I just add several drops (it makes it more vibrant) and some plain ole’ rubbing alcohol.
You really only need about a 1/4 of a cup of alcohol.
Then just swish it around until the color gets on everything!
If you feel that the color isn’t like you want it, just add some more drops of dye!
I then laid the bags flat, and I kept flipping them over about every 10 minutes.
After about an hour (or more if you wish), I laid them out to dry.
Now, I learned the hard way that it’s best if you pour off the
excess liquid BEFORE you pour the noodles onto the mat.
I put several paper towels, and newspapers, magazines, cardboard boxes,
anything that I could find under the noodles, because that dye is something
serious and it will stain your floor, table, etc.
If you wipe it up right away, you should be fine if you spill something.
Alcohol dries very quickly, so if you spread them out enough,
they’ll be ready to mix in a few hours.
Since this was successful, I hope to continue dying other things,
such as rice, popcorn kernels, oats, etc.
I can’t wait to let you guys know how it turns out!
If you want to know more about how to make your own
DIY sensory table, click here!
Talk to you later!