If you’ve ever felt a bit overwhelmed by all the different terms and ideas related to teaching reading, you’re definitely not alone. Today, we will explore two important terms: phonemes and graphemes.
Reading can sometimes be tricky, and words like “phoneme” and “grapheme” might seem similar at first, but they each have their unique roles in reading and writing. Understanding these concepts is essential, especially when working with young learners. We will discuss what phonemes and graphemes are and how they work together to unlock the magic of language!
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What is a Phoneme?
Phonemes are the basic building blocks of language. It is the smallest unit of sound. In addition to being the smallest unit of sound, phonemes are also the smallest unit of meaning.

So, a change in a single phoneme can change the meaning of a word. For example, the words “bat” and “pat” are distinguished from each other by the phoneme /b/ and /p/.

What is a Grapheme?
Graphemes are the letters that makeup written words. More specifically, it’s the letter or letter combination that spells a phoneme. In English, there are 26 graphemes, which are also known as letters of the alphabet. While there are 26 graphemes, there are actually 44 different sounds, or phonemes, in the English language. Graphemes can also be combined to form new sounds, as in the case of the digraphs “sh” or “ch.”
Phonemes and Graphemes in Action!
Phonemes are oral, letters are written, and often do not match up! Let’s take a look at the word chip.

The word has four letters but only three sounds, as the ch represents one sound. The ch represents one sound but contains a multi-letter grapheme.
So there you have it! Phonemes and graphemes work together as we provide reading instruction.