Whew! What a full day!

I know it’s been a bit since I’ve posted, but I’ve been so busy! I had a Interactive Whitebaord Level 3 PD day yesterday, and I’m glad to say that I learned a lot. The first two days, in December and January, I learned nothing at all and that made me so mad! Well, I did get ahead on lesson plans those days!

We’ve been working on labeling, using a lot of the pages from the labeling units of First Grade Blue Skies and Kim Swoveland. Since we’re at the new school, we’re on their new schedule, and we pick them up 30 minutes earlier, with nothing but eating breakfast to fill the time. So, instead of wasting the time, we label! My kids really like it, and they have no idea that they are learning at the same time! I’ve taught them that even though they may not know how to spell a word, they can use what they know about initial and final sounds to figure out which word to use. With this in mind, I decided to do an anchor chart on labeling, I saw it on Pinterest the other day and I was so excited! It is from The Inspired Apple. Now beware, I’m not much of an artist!

I have also been testing out a few things, especially since I’m getting ready to read The Daily Five. It’s still my Word Work station, but I’ve implemented more writing at this stage of the year. We recently began doing the Writing Stations by Ms. Wills at this center, and my kiddos have done so much better. Since we began this after labeling for a few weeks, the transition was extremely easy. I’m hoping to implement a little bit of the ideas from The Daily Five this year, just to help my kids.

 I wanted to put my writing tray right here, but the table isn’t big enough to hold all of it! My fabric seems to be coming off, so I think I’m going to try what Jennifer did to her table at First Grade Blue Skies!

This has helped my kiddos so much, especially with making sure that what we are coloring and writing makes sense, and also looking for information in their surroundings. We have also been working on sorting real and nonsense words in the pocket chart center, and recording our answers, which some of my children do not like to do! These are from my St. Patrick’s Day unit, which can be found in my TPT store. 

We seem to actually be doing a great job this time around!! Maybe we finally got it! I’m almost finished with Teaching with Intention by Debbie Miller, and I love it so much! I can’t wait to implement some of her strategies! Until next time!
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