Hey guys and dolls, how’s it going?
It’s been a rough few weeks for me, as I imagine it’s been for us all!!
I finally carved out some time to complete December Math Centers!!!
Wahoo!!!!!! The next three weeks until Christmas vacay is gonna
be seriously crazy, and I plan to be ready with centers, activities, and
books for the entire time!!! I want our minds to always be thinking
and learning, with some fun thrown in!
It’s the only way that we are going to make it!
Okkkkk……back to the math centers!
I tried to make it fun and Christmasy, while covering the
necessary content. There’s a lot of subitizing, and work with quantities,
because we’re about to move to number bonds and addition,
and we have to be automatic with it!
We have two version of comparing quantities, and connecting
quantities to numerals. Two different recording sheets allows the students
to determine which one is greater, or less.
The next center deals with estimation (subitizing in disguise!)
We have some graphing practice (though I think my students
like it better with candy!!!).
Some play-doh work (I have to tell them they can’t do play-doh everyday!)
Puzzle work (connecting quantities to numerals, more hidden subitizing!)
Elf Hop, Candy Hop (such a great reason to use those themed erasers!)
Great way to practice 1:1 correspondence! First one to the end wins!
And of course, practicing writing numbers (more subitizing!)
Talk to you guys later!