I know what you’re probably thinking……”the science of reading is everywhere!” Or you might be thinking “why didn’t I learn this in college?” Phonological awareness is one of those mysterious things that relates to education, but has seemed hard to define. There’s plenty of research out there, but there are so many different levels and all sorts of instructional vocabulary, it can be hard to keep track of it all! Phonological awareness is the glue that holds reading together and I’ve got just the thing to keep you on track. Out of my research and studying came this phonological awareness cheat sheet, and I want to share it with you!
Phonological Awareness Explained
My goal with this cheat sheet is to help explain what phonological awareness is, as well as all of the instructional vocabulary that goes along with it. It is something that has a ton of moving pieces, and it’s easy to misunderstand what it actually is. I’ve committed myself to conducting a lot of research, because I have seen the growth of my students increase exponentially when I put a focus on it. When students enter our classrooms, we must be intentional in developing phonological awareness. But first, we have to know what it is.

Phonological Awareness Continuum
Once we can define what it is, we must understand how it builds, so that we can help our students. Phonological awareness builds in stages. It builds from the easiest stage to the hardest stage. Seems like it should be so simple, but there is definitely a nuance to it. Before we ever focus on letters and sounds, this needs to be the foundation of our literacy instruction. Wherever students fall on the continuum, this is the level of activities that will support them the most.

Grab Your Free Phonological Awareness Cheat Sheet
I love to support teachers when it comes to literacy. I want to help make your life and planning just a little bit easier! In creating this cheat sheet, I’ve included suggestions for implementing phonological awareness activities in your classroom, as well as defining the levels and providing examples. Just grab the cheat sheet and keep it close by!