Hey guys and dolls, how’s it going? I’m just popping in really quick to share these with you!
So you probably know that I’m in love with these small box activities! I want to make as many as I
possibly can! My kiddos have loved the medial sound activities, as well as the 2-D shapes, 3-D
shapes and more! So, the endless bundle was born!
So, recently I’ve added practice with CVC words. We’re at the point of the year where my kiddos
need as much practice as they can get with this skill!
We’re also practicing our long vowels! That sneaky ‘e’ can definitely throw us for a loop!

And of course I can’t forget my babies who still need practice with letter matching!
I’ve also spent a little time thinking about those early numeracy skills. Set 1 just has some
practice with subtizing, number and more, AND it’s all in black and white! I just used some
colorful paper to brighten it up a bit! You can find it here!
Cutting practice is something that we can never get enough of, especially early on in the
school year!! I wanted something that was easy to prep, and an activity that students could
do with minimal direction, especially after I’ve already introduced scissor skills. You can click
here or on the picture below for more info.
We definitely do a lot of color and color word recognition at the beginning of the year! Click on
the pictures below for more details!
We always need new ways to practice our letter sounds and letter recognition! I also
love that in addition to practicing these skills, they are also getting to practice fine motor
skills with the links!
So after creating quite a few boxes, due to popular demand, I created an endless bundle!
I plan to make many of these small box activities, and I wanted you guys to able to find them
all in one place!
I absolutely love these activities, and so do my students. They can be used for many things, such
as morning work, a literacy or math centers, early finisher work and so much more! They are
made to fit right into the hands of your little ones, and I organize them by placing them in these
small boxes, but you definitely do not have to! You can organize them in any way that you choose!
You can find these activities by clicking on any of the pictures!!
Talk to you later!