Hey guys and dolls, how’s it going? Oh you know, just getting ready for my favorite time of year, FALL!!!! From the weather, pumpkin spice everything, cooler weather, the beautiful colors of the fall leaves, you name it, I love it!
Autumn also brings with it some of my favorite units to teach as well. Today I want to talk about everything spiders with you! I have searched high and low for the best spider activities, and they’re all here in this post!
Oh, and did I mention that they are easy peasy to do? Who wants to prep all week for a unit? Ain’t nobody got time for that!
Fine Motor Activities
I love fine motor activities, and if they just happen to be thematic, then that’s even better! I am definitely feeling this spider sensory bin that you can find over at Little Bins for Little Hands!
Other than the fact that it makes me happy, I love that they get to work on those muscles in a fun way!
This spider web cutting activity from Mom Inspired Life definitely caught my eye! I don’t know about your class, but my friends love any activity that allows them to pull out their scissors! And, they get to make their own spider web?!? Sold!
Arts and Crafts!
I’m am a stickler for all things arts and craftsy, and I always need help, because I just pretend to be crafty! I love this easy spider craft from My Home Based Life. I love all things popsicles and pom-poms, and it’s easy to boot!
I am a huge fan of all of the directed drawing by First and Kinder Blue Skies! My kiddos love them and they always look forward to tracing their work with a black marker. It’s the highlight of their day!
The Best Spider Books!
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There’s nothing like a good book to kick off a great unit of study! I love some of the options that you can find when it comes to non-fiction resources!

The national geographic readers are a fave for my kiddos! Anytime I pull one out? Instant interest!

The national geographic readers are a fave for my kiddos! Anytime I pull one out? Instant interest!
This book is really too cute! It has a lot of great facts, all told in a hilarious way!

And of course I love a good old story by Eric Carle, one of my favorite authors! I love his books!

And then of course I love a story where the main character is a fictionalized version of what we are researching!

Research and More!
When we dive into a non-fiction topic, my kiddos love researching everything about it! It’s the one time of the day where they are so excited, and they don’t even realize that they are learning!
We like to begin by sharing what we already know about spiders! All of the research pieces you can find here!
As we go through our research, we begin to talk about everything that spiders can do and more!
We learn about their life cycle, and I don’t know about you, but my kiddos are always fascinated by this information, regardless of what we study!
And we definitely love a good math graph!
This pack also includes a counting story, a spider non-fiction reader, and a place where students can record their newly learned information about spider vocabulary and an easy craft!
I hope that your kids love learning about spiders as much as mine do! Click on any of the pictures in the research section for more information!