Tests, Test, Tests!!!

Ahhhh…….it’s Tuesday, and I just remembered that we are off on Friday!! Yay!!!

We have had a full week! It seems like there isn’t enough time to get everything in! It’s weird, because now we start earlier! So, I sat down and calculated our instructional time, since we have moved to this new campus after the tornado. (Yes, I know, how nerdy!) 
New School:
7:30  – Teachers pick kids up
7:55 – Students are tardy at this time
8:00 – Intervention begins
2:10 –  Dismissal begins, since several classes have to walk so far, and this is the time we begin moving 1st and 2nd load buses out also. 
So, from 8:00  to basically 2:00 is about 6 hours.  Now, take away an hour and a half for lunch, specials, and 30 minutes for bathroom breaks, because we have about 15-17 classes sharing one set of student bathrooms.  Not to mention packing up. 
****So this means I have approximately 4 hours of instructional time everyday!!!!!. ****
I knew I wasn’t crazy!!!!  I didn’t understand why it was taking us to long to do insects (which we’re still on, by the way!),  and I want to finish so that we can move on to our Oceans unit!
Anyways, since we missed a few weeks due to the tornado, not only are we beginning the next unit in reading, but we are also taking the Unit 4 benchmark test. Sounds like fun, right?  Yeah, think again! 

So, I whipped together a practice test on the Promethean Board, because we have moved to giving the test whole group, with test folders, so I’m teaching them test taking skills, which is what my kiddos needed when I taught 1st grade.  Fingers crossed that it helped!

We are also getting ready for our Festival of Arts celebration. Our awesome librarian does this every year, where we celebrate a different country. After talking about it in class, the kids have two days of fun where they can eat food from that country, make crafts from that country, and learn about the games that children play and the music of that country.

This year, our country is India!!!

We found India on the map, and discussed how their flag was different from ours. Whew! Sorry so long, I’ll talk to you guys later!!!
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