Hey guys, how’s it going?
We have been working on a lot of things, and I realized that I haven’t been taking pictures like I should.
I promise, I promise, I’m going to get better! I feel like I’ve been in a wormhole this year, and I’m still trying to get my bearings!!!
Anywho, we’ve been working on creative writing, and one thing that I push a lot in my room is labeling.
So, I re-created my anchor chart from last year (I think I will have it laminated this year!!), and I got the idea from Babbling Abby over at The Inspired Apple. I think I saw it on Pinterest first.
It’s a good thing that we have already been doing this during writing, so,
it was easy for them to connect the dots!
We also practiced labeling together. Once again from Babbling Abby, as seen on Pinterest!
I have this awesome sheet from my friend Jennifer at First Grade Blue Skies.
FYI, her labeling packs are AWESOME!!!!!
Also, at my school, we are required to have a substitute folder, in case there is an emergency, and we aren’t able to come to school. This usually includes our class rolls, classroom routines and procedures, yadda, yadda, yadda.
Well, I know you’ve seen all of those cute sub tubs all over Pinterest. Soooo…….I just had to make one as well!! I still have my sub folder, but I also left a note inside for them to look for the sub tub on the counter.
The folder is on the wall by the door.
And my sub tub is on the counter behind my desk.
I didn’t use one of the large crates, I just used a locker sized one, which is a lot thinner,
and takes up less space.
I’m so excited that October is almost here, I love the units that are coming up!!!!!!
Sigh, I just love the fall!!!