Hey guys and dolls, how’s it going?
It took a while for December to get here,
and then it seemed as if it ran away!!
Between report card testing and getting sick,
of course I didn’t get to do as much as I’d planned to do,
but that always how it goes!
This post is full of the random fun that happened in December!
I found some fun and awesome ideas for my December sensory tub!
It was really easy peasy, I went into the Christmas section of Wal-Mart,
and found these lovely packs of what I like to call stuffing!
You can find these paper shreds at your local craft store as well.
Even though I bought a ton, I realized that a little goes a long way,
as it expands.

Of course we had a little visitor from the North Pole!
You can get this awesome tag and letter in a Freebie from
Cara over at The First Grade Parade!
This awesome freebie is from Mel D over at Seusstastic!
In honor of Jingles, we made these cute little elves,
from Jennifer at First Grade Blue Skies!
We read different versions of The Gingerbread Boy,
and we compared different story elements.
Of course we had to eat a gingerbread man, to see what
all of the fuss was about!!
We did a survey, courtesy of Vickie from Primary Press,
to see which part we all ate first.
Next, December rolled right along with The Polar Express.
Since the children drink hot cocoa in the movie,
we all decided that we LOVE marshmallow’s in ours,
so we taste tested different ones, to see which ones we like the best!
Thanks again Vickie!
We read the story all through the week,
to prepare for Polar Express day on Friday.
We talked about the beginning, middle, and end of the story.
We have been talking about adding details to our drawing,
and I must say, I love this!
It’s a picture of the children on the train, looking out of
the window and drinking hot cocoa!
It has steam coming out, marshmallows, and everything!
We made our story elements train, and this idea is in
the freebie week of KinderLiteracy that Tara West so
generously gave on her Facebook page!
My kiddos earned their tickets to board The Polar Express
(you can get your free ticket here, from The Crafting Chicks!)
Polar Express/Pajama Day arrived, and I must say,
my principal went all out!
There were scenes from the movie all around the school,
and my favorite, he dressed up at the conductor!!
He played the train sounds through the intercom
all week as announcements were read.
Here’s one of the Christmas crafts that we did, somehow I forgot to take
pictures of some of the other ones!
For our last week of school, we did Christmas Around the World.
We loved the pack from Caitlin over at Kindergarten Smiles!
We learned about Israel and Hannukah,
Mexico and the Poinsettia,
and China and their Festival of Lights!
Finally, Friday arrived, and it was time for our Christmas Party!!
Whew!! How did your December go?
Talk to you guys later!