Do you have tons of alphabet picture cards from all of the reading series your district has moved on from? No worries, I’m going to share with you a few activities that you can use in your classroom! Let’s repurpose those ABC picture cards! Read on or press play!
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1. Beginning Sound Sort
As students are learning sounds and then letters that represent them, you can quickly write letter headers on sentence strips, or if you have some use them! Decide on 3-5 sounds that you have been working on, and set aside the alphabet picture cards that match the sounds. Pop the headers into a pocket chart and have the students sort the pictures according to their initial sound.

2. Syllable Sort
This game can grow with your students. So whether you are working on 1, 2, 3 or even 4 syllable words, this activity will be perfect! Bring out those sentence strips again, and for the headers write the numbers 1 and 2, and if they’re ready, write a 3! Put the headers into your pocket chart, and pull several alphabet picture cards that have the number of syllables that your students are listening for.

3. Silly Words (Compound Words)
I begin talking about syllables with compound words. I’ve found that it helps students to hear a whole word first, then move on to multiple syllables. With this game, I like to use alphabet picture cards that represent both parts of the compound word. It helps students to visualize what we’re doing. Show the students the cards, and ask them to tell you which words would go together to make a new word. Make sure to use one-syllable words for this activity!
Blue + bird = bluebird
Dog + house = doghouse
Next, switch the pictures around and ask them what new silly words they can create if they said the syllable parts backwards.

4. Let’s Bag It!
This game is super simple! All you have to do is grab a bag (any bag will do, but preferably one that isn’t see-through like a gallon ziplock bag). Place the alphabet picture cards in the bag………….let students take turns pulling a picture from the bag, saying the word and then have them clap or tap out the syllables in the word.
These are activities that you can implement into your classroom immediately! No-prep and easy to do! If you’re looking for more easy alphabet activities, you can check out the next post right here!
If you’re in need of some alphabet picture cards, and you’re unable to find some at your local dollar spot, then you have a few options here on Amazon. You can check them out here!